Saturday, May 23, 2009

Great food for six pack abs, lose fat.

I want to talk a bit about the foods we eat, and I will lay out what I had for breakfast, and lunch. And also what I will have for a snack with the girls later. It is important, because the most important thing of staying fit and healthy is the foods we put in our mouth.

Sounds simple enough right, but you would be amazed of the amount of people that do not think of food like this.

Food is like petrol to your car engine, if you put dirty stuff in, the output wont be any good right?

So lets talk about the foods you should take in. Try and avoid anything that comes in a box. So breakfast cereals are a prime example of this. They are full of sugar to keep you craving them and make the taste sweet. No 2 ways about it

I got up this morning and made my power pancakes for breakfast with the girls. Very easy to make: 3 egg whites, oatmeal flakes, cottage cheese milk and some blueberries all mixed together. That makes about 6 medium sized pancakes. Serve with a bit of honey or some other berries. Delicious.

For my lunch I had a very simple tuna salad with onions, feta cheese, sugar snap peas (crunchy) and spinach. You have no idea of tasty it was with my olive oil and vinegar dressing. Took 4 minutes to make, so no excuses

As you can see it is more than enough to fill up a big lad like me, and it is all healthy stuff too.

This afternoon I am making chocolate truffles (with 70% cocoa mix) and we are having fruit smoothies. The girls loves them and I get to put healty stuff in to them at the same time..

My new hero Craig Ballantyne talks about these truffles a lot, so go to his site to have a look at what he does with Jillian Michaels


Until the next time, keep the faith


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